
Back When Porn Was Fun

Freedom From The Chains

Through his gut-wrenching journey of addiction and devastation, Jason learned to take authority over his actions by making every thought a slave to Christ. Years of habit had driven him to the edge of madness, yet by understanding how to wield the blood-bought authority and dominion of Jesus’ name, demonic strongholds that had imprisoned him for nearly 25 years crumbled in the battlefield of his mind—bringing restoration to every area of his life.

You too can be triumphant!
Lay waste to…

  • An appetite for porn that seems unquenchable
  • A dramatic love-hate relationship with lust
  • The enemy’s schemes to destroy you
  • Marital tension and family dysfunction

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“Keep your way far from her and do not go near the door of her house…” Proverbs 5:8