Forge A Legacy

Our Mission

To inspire and equip individuals, marriages, and families in becoming unwavering ambassadors for the kingdom of God by leading a transformed life with legacy in mind.

Your financial investment through the ministry of Jason and Toni equips many others to reach their spiritual potential.

Jason and Toni are passionate, bold, relational, and real. As God has shown them the way out of the mess, they long to keep others from the mess by guiding the way, and for those caught in a mess, they are here to help shine the light out of dark. They currently do online and in-person equipping. They have an autobiography of their “mess turned message” that will be released in 2021.

The purpose of Forge a Legacy is to foster redemption, kindle hope, and empower others to forge a Godly legacy built on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ. A legacy of victory is for everyone! The focus of Forge a Legacy is to see individuals, couples, and families become and remain resilient, vibrant, and alive in the freedom of Jesus Christ. We are here to help through teaching, counseling, and a range of resources highlighting our own journey from despair to an unshakable foundation of faith.


Get to Know Us


Jason Butz


Toni Butz


Beau & Bjorn Butz



…no longer have to listen to the lies…

But I personally feel like just by you telling us that Satan is going to lie to us and make us think we’re the only ones going through this trial helped my mindset a lot. I no longer have to listen to the lies of I’m not good enough and never will be good enough. God’s word says I am worthy and I am loved! So that has helped me a lot. And my husband listens to worship music now when he feels tempted and that was something you guys had suggested! I honestly feel like your ministry can help a lot of men but also a lot of women too. It’s not just aimed at men it’s there to help all of us!

We try to be! It’s been a long journey but I’m also thankful God has given me the ability to talk about it with my husband rather than get angry and scream and yell! It took a while but I’m thankful for that!


They are the real deal!


…compassionate, understanding, and honest…

Toni has always been willing to lend a listening ear when I’ve needed someone to talk to. I’ve found her to be extremely compassionate, understanding, and honest when helping me through both relationship and child-raising difficulties over the years. As the mom of two teenage boys, I have seen how Toni and her husband Jason have poured themselves into the raising and training of their sons to be Men of God. I’ve also witnessed the intentional choices that they make on a daily basis in doing what is most pleasing to the Lord. I appreciate how both Toni and Jason truly walk in the Spirit of the Lord and are obedient to where he is leading them in all aspects of their lives. Their story is truly one of restoration and the experiences that they share on their journey are a testimony to how the Lord can restore broken people and use them for His glory.



Toni and Jason have a passion for the Lord that is unwavering. They live a Spirit-led life and whole-heartedly follow Jesus. Toni and Jason are loyal and authentic, always encouraging others to realize their full potential in Christ. Their words and actions point to Truth, and as they help counsel and heal others, they dig into the root of issues at the deepest level possible.


Your financial investment through the ministry of Jason and Toni Butz equips many others to reach their spiritual potential.